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Gang Li (李刚)

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Utah State University

Office: ML359

Phone: 435-797-0604


Postdoc, Princeton University, 2019

Ph.D. Columbia University, 2015

B.S. Wuhan University, 2010



Gang (pronounced as G-ah-ng) was born and raised in Chongqing, a secret metropolis in southwestern China famous for spicy food and beautiful scenery. He obtained his B.S. from Wuhan University, working with Prof. Aiwen Lei on Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. Fascinated by the power of transition-metal complexes, he decided to go across the Pacific Ocean to learn more about the mechanisms of transition-metal catalyzed reactions with Prof. Jack R. Norton at Columbia University. After obtaining his Ph.D. from Columbia, he decided to move to the other side of the Hudson River and learn how transition-metal complexes can serve as models of metalloenzymes with Prof. John T. Groves at Princeton University. He was supported by Bristol-Myers Squibb Postdoctoral Fellowship which allowed him to collaborate with the world-renowned pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myer Squibb and apply his knowledge in medicinal chemistry. Gang joins the faculty at Utah State University in summer 2019.

Li Lab, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322

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